The Ed Tech Industry Summit, sponsored by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), is the industry conference for the K-12 and postsecondary education technology marketplace. Here’s a sampling of the session topics and speakers for the conference, “Going Mobile and Global,” to be held May 23-25 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.
Trends in Mobile Learning on Monday, May 24, from 10-11 a.m.
The mobile learning market segment is perhaps the most volatile area of the ed tech business today. Half the devices in schools are mobile, from smartphones to laptops. This session will provide actionable information about mobile devices, operating systems, applications, and business models to build upon data in the forthcoming Mobile Computing Trends Report from SIIA. A panel that includes Scott Garrison, president of Lightspeed Systems, and Tom Greaves of the Greaves Group, will discuss key market drivers, adoption rates and a new class of applications that exploits mobile computing. Bruce Wilcox of Digital Millennial Consulting will serve as moderator.
Digital Rights and Education Rites – How Can They Coexist? on Monday, May 24, from 10-11 a.m.
As the resources used in K-12 and higher education move toward digital media, we face some conflict between how instructional resources traditionally have been used and limitations on the use of electronic media. Learners should have access to the best instructional materials, but we also need to protect intellectual property and support sustainable business models. The SIIA Education Division’s Technology and Development Committee has focused on this topic for the past year, culminating in an educator survey. Presenters will share survey and other findings. Steve Nordmark, vice president of solutions management and development at netTrekker, will moderate the session. Panelists include Susan Adelmann of Follett Software Company, Douglas Stein of MemeSpark, and Bill Zobrist from Pearson Learning Solutions.
Developing for Mobile Platforms, on Monday, May 24, from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
The growth of mobile devices should portend a surge of educational software applications in the K-20 markets. But challenges abound, given the complexities of developing educational products for mobile devices. How do publishers make the right decisions given the myriad variables involving form factors, operating systems and service providers? How can publishers manage education content development to maximize access and return on investment? Find out how these developers made the tough decisions and the lessons they learned in the process. Todd Brekhus of Capstone Digital will moderate, joined by panelists Marie Bjerede of Qualcomm and Cathie Norris of the University of North Texas
Revenue Models for Mobile Learning on Monday, May 24, from 2-3 p.m.
Because the mobile learning market is so new, there isn’t a long history of successful revenue models from which to draw. This session will address such questions as: Which industries can we look to for replicable business models? Are there enough consumers to make product development for mobile learning a profitable business? And if so, how do you get enough institutional and individual customer adoption to shore up your bottom line? Attendees will learn about the critical price point sensitivities, and how they can support the value proposition of your mobile learning applications. The discussion will focus on market-tested examples, as well as future trends. Joining the discussion will be Ellen Siminoff, president and CEO, Shmoop, along with Adam Hall of Impact Education. Duncan Young of Scholastic Education will moderate.
Keynote: Education and Technology in a Global Economy on Tuesday, May 25, from 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Eric Lauzon, chief information officer, International Baccalaureate (a partner of ePals, Inc.), will deliver a keynote address covering a wide array of topics. How are countries around the world using technology in education? Increased global understanding is an economic and social imperative for our companies and our schools. What organizational and logistical issues hamper global connections, and how can new online and other collaborative tools offer fresh opportunities for education technology stakeholders?
Market Opportunities in the UK, on Tuesday, May 25, from 10-11 a.m.
Education Technology has received tremendous UK government support through BECTA, the government agency promoting educational use of information and communications technology. In this session, high-level insiders and business leaders will describe the market landscape, trends in school spending and support, emerging opportunities, and vendor perspectives on doing business in the UK. Hear answers to such questions as: How big is the UK market for education technology products and services? How does the UK purchasing system work for education technology products and services, and how can US companies participate? Which technologies are gaining traction in UK schools, and is there government funding support? Are classrooms adapting to the use of ICT for teaching and learning? Mimi Jett, general manager of netTrekker, will lend her expert voice to this session, along with Dominic Savage of the British Educational Suppliers Association, David Samuelson of Pearson (moderator), and Mitt Nathwani of Turning Technologies LLC/Reivo Ltd.
For more information on the Ed Tech Industry Summit, or to register, visit www.siia.net/etis/2010. Media and bloggers interested in attending the conference should complete the online press registration form to apply for press credentials.