On Wednesday, May 12th, join ed tech advocates nationwide for a day of tweeting and blogging to support education technology. Spearheaded by the Ed Tech Action Network (ETAN), this initiative aims to support ongoing efforts to advance the cause of education technology funding at the federal level.
Funding for classroom technology is in jeopardy. With the help of social media, ed tech advocates aim to urge Congress to fund the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program at $500 million for 2011.
If you’re not sure what to write about, on Tuesday, May 11th, ETAN will share a number of sample messages that can be used on Twitter throughout the day. Be sure to use the hashtag #EETT, and encourage friends and colleagues to do the same.
For more information, check out www.edtechactionnetwork.org. For a more general discussion of advocacy techniques, check out this earlier post.