April is Autism Awareness Month
The entire C. Blohm & Associates team will recognize Autism Awareness Month by focusing on both autism awareness and acceptance…

TCEA 2014: Get Inspired
#TCEA14 Conference and Media Central

CB&A Special Needs Division Has Successful First Year
2013 was a busy year for CB&A, as we expanded our services into the growing special needs sector. With the creation of the Special Needs Division, we’ve been fortunate to work with several dynamic clients whose products and services make a difference in the lives of individuals with special needs and autism.

PRSMS: Make your brand highly recommendable
Recently three CB&A team members, including myself, had the opportunity to attend the annual PR & Social Media Summit held…

A Summary of EdNET 2013 Chatter
C. Blohm & Associates team members Emily and Charlene are returning today from a wonderful visit to Denver. They, along…

Fall Education Awards
As the leaves begin to change colors, several exciting opportunities are surfacing in the education and technology industries. Some of the industry’s leading organizations and publications will be recognizing outstanding products, entrepreneurs and educators.

EdNET Chatter Takes Over Vine
In case you haven’t heard the chatter, EdNET 2013 is only two weeks away! CB&A will be attending the conference…

CB&A Survey Results: Special education information resources
With the launch of the Special Needs Division earlier this year, C. Blohm & Associates recently sought a first-hand view…

Using Current Trends to Drive Stories – Case Study
To support the launch of an online education conference series and an accompanying digital badge program, our client sought media coverage to increase participation and awareness. C. Blohm & Associates leveraged the growing trend of digital badges to generate compelling news stories and position the client as a trend leader.

44th Annual Autism Society Conference
CB&A had the opportunity to attend the Autism Society National Conference in Pittsburgh, July 11 – 13. As a bonus,…