Calling all business owners and marketers to complete our 2020 education marketing trends survey!
Hello fellow marketers and business owners. I’m seeking your wisdom, and I’m cashing in a favor. We need five minutes of your time and your insights to bring value and credibility to our ilk as we head into the 2020 planning season.
To meet the ever-changing needs of the education industry, we are asking you to participate in our 2020 Education Marketing Trends Survey. The survey dives into marketing, public relations, social media and content trends from the past few years and looks forward to what will be relevant to marketers this time next year. Simply click the image below to start the survey.
Who is this survey for?
If you’re currently a marketer, of any level, or if you’re running a business, we seek your input in our education marketing trends survey. We’re completing this survey with business owners and marketers as the primary audience, and we have a special focus on the education market. However, we’re looking for where the marketing world is headed in 2020 in general, so all marketers and business owners are encouraged to participate.
We will compile and analyze the data, and then ship it right back out to you. We’ll also be interviewing a number of industry experts regarding the data, and we’ll include their insights, as well as our own, in a detailed analysis, full of graphs, charts and fun statistical insights.
How long will the 2020 marketing trends survey take?
Based on our beta test efforts, the survey takes between 5-8 minutes to complete, though several people did breeze through it in less than five minutes. We have included a few open-ended options, where survey takers can dive into detail a bit more, so the times will vary. That said, for those who simply answer the multiple-choice options, five minutes will be plenty.
Take the 2020 Education Marketing Trends Survey Now
We thank you in advance for your feedback. We appreciate the time you have taken, and we’d like to thank you with a few rewards.
Rewards you say?
First off – you will receive early access to the results. We’ll be compiling and analyzing results in December. After some initial learnings, we plan to release a handful of the key insights to respondents via email, with a call for opinions and analysis. And ultimately, we’ll be releasing the full data set in an eBook format with analysis from our team, as well as other executives in the education market. We hope this will be a valuable tool as you implement and iterate your 2020 marketing strategies. But, we also want to treat you with something besides the juicy information.
To make that happen, we have a standard giveaway and a one-winner prize. The first 100 respondents to complete the survey will be sent a $5 Starbucks gift card. And, all respondents will be entered to win a $100 Visa Gift Card to be spent however your heart desires. We will announce winners on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. To improve your odds on our grand prize, there are several other ways to enter:
- Complete the survey to gain your first entry.
- Tweet about the survey to gain a second entry.
- Refer a friend to gain bonus entries. In the survey, the last question is a referral bonus. Here, your friend can enter your email to earn you both another entry. You can refer as many people as you want – provided they fit the business owner/marketer demographic.
And that’s it! We’ll enter all the names into the pot, and we’ll select a winner on December 3rd. We’ll begin analyzing results in December, so make sure you share this blog and our survey link with your colleagues, clients and friends here in November!
Thank you in advance for your insights
Again, thank you for supporting us in our education marketing trends survey. We’re excited to learn about the future of marketing in the education industry as we hit the next Roaring Twenties. Happy Holidays!
And, if you didn’t already have a chance to click through, here’s one last chance: Take the 2020 Education Marketing Trends survey now!