Education Public Relation

StudyBlue Helps Students Express Gratitude with ‘Cards For Teachers’

By May 11, 2012August 20th, 2021No Comments

Cards For Teachers Badge

“Columbus sailed the ocean blue, 6 x 7 is 42.” I remember reciting that and many other clever sayings when learning my times table in second grade. Even as an adult, I find myself repeating those sayings in my head, and think back to my second grade teacher who helped me when I was struggling with multiplication. Educators like her, who forever impact a student’s life, even in the smallest of ways through multiplication sayings, deserve to be recognized for what they do.

From May 7 through May 31, students, former students and parents have the opportunity to say “thanks a latte” to teachers and school staff with StudyBlue’s Cards For Teachers annual recognition program.

Cards For Teachers Program

StudyBlue, the mobile and digital study service, encourages students to visit the Cards For Teachers site and send digital thank-you messages to teachers and school staff who have made a difference in their lives. Students can simply visit the site to fill out and personalize the thank-you note. The recognized teacher then receives the thank-you message, along with a digital badge they can proudly display on their blog and several of the most popular social media sites.

“Thanks a Latte”

From those recognized, StudyBlue will randomly select 300 educators to receive a free $5 latte gift card at the end of the month. Let’s face it – with the long hours educators put in each day, they will appreciate the extra caffeine boost. Plus, they will also appreciate hearing the kind words of gratitude for their efforts.

So, take the time to visit www.cardsforteachers.studyblue.com and thank that second grade teacher for teaching you the catchy times table sayings.